
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Birds chirpping, dim light, clear sky and moon waiting for the sun to come up.It is going to be 2 more hours and moon will bid good bye to me and i can say an hi to what am i doing all this while?.y didn't i sleep?..this is what is running in ur mind and hell o yeah y am i awake??.....
Sighs… Well let me figure it out. I was on my bed by 2 and i was trying hard to sleep but i couldn’t. what is happening? This was the question in my mind. MIND master of masters was giving me some answers. One hour back i was sitting playing in my new laptop trying to save my team from losing and i felt a vibration with my chair marching like it is on a parade. HEART the little one was telling hey its an earth quake just wake ur parents and grand parents. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction so was stated by Newton. As i had studied physics i thought, so were my rivalry to this thought? here it is....Mr. MIND as usual will u pl shut up, listen this is all ur imagination there is nothing like an earthquake u continue playing or better sleep... i think u r sleepy... Mr. HEART tried to squeeze up one more time to say u ass don’t listen to him but MIND said F*** off. And I continued my game..
It was 2.15 and i was still thinkin y ain’t i sleeping? My eyes are tired and they are desperate for a sleep. But the result was negative. Mr. MIND was having a very deep conversation. And i was just witnessing it...hey the movie was really good right? excellent stunts great moment how about a smoke it is cold outside. How about riding a bike?. Well what am i going to do in the future? Get placed in an IT company? Or will i work in a bpo?Mr.HEART intervened well u will have to plan about it and am sure if u work hard u can achieve whatever u want..Mr.MIND said but what is the point? I asked the MIND what do u mean??? Well what do u gain by studyin,going to job getting a good salary,owning an house,lead a happy life, getting urself settled with two kids finally u become old and like a fart u die and go under grounds..what is the big deal in it?..well yeah Mr.MIND was right...
Well when it was 1.30 i got a call from my brother saying wake up earthquake have hit the city and it is on news. Make sure everything is safe, WTF Mr.HEART was showing two raised fingers at me, feeling bad i woke my parents telling them there has been an earth quake 15 min back and i felt it. Mom said god is there he will take care and she slept off. Dad came from his room switched on the tv saw the flash news being put up and he was just flipping through channels to see if there is anymore news. I was witnessing all this...Mr.MIND popped up dude u got to update ur status on facebook that u had survived an earthquake and this is ur 1st exp. Me like a dumb ass just updated my status and i was feeling bad that among my friends i was 3rd person to update this and felt heart broken..Then i again continued playing dad was telling about his previous exp abt tremors and all that i was more in concern on hitting a six, well i hit a six!!.
I checked out the time on my mobile it was 2.30 still i was watching my mind talk.. So what is this life all about? Well i was blank with my eyes open i could hear the noise of the fan running, my grand parents sleeping, my dog accompanying them and shit i am still awake..So what is it that i have to learn in life? What am i born for? So was my question...
Well i was scoring good and was about to win the match two more overs and yes am done with this game and i ll sleep then.. so i finished my game and as i was completing my game i again updated my status...Mr.HEART said have u gone mad or something? Are u insane? I asked it what?? Mr. HEART said dont u feel bad of what u have updated right now.Is this something exciting to do so?..i realised ya i have done something really wrong like a lunatic and to compromise my previous statement i updated my status saying "inspite of eathquakes instead of worryin we still scrap on fb.and m also one among them:)god knows what s yet to cme anyways cheers to fb:)".i was really feeling bad for what had happened but then i continued my play...the last over was really good and i had a great victory. Mr. MIND knocked, check ur status if some one had replied back or liked it. Before it had to tell me i was on already checking out my notifications.Yes there was one"LIKE" from my before i could see them i saw this status from my brother"for all the chosen fools who updated ur facebook account sayin u felt the tremor, y couldnt u inform ur near and dear ones about it.. life is not about updating the facebook accounts... its mre than that.."fuck Mr.HEART smiled at me saying didn't i tell u?? feeling ashamed i clicked to check the status being liked and it was for the one i posted above.I then realised how crazy and mad i am.
It was 2.45 and i was thinking so what is life all about.From what had happened in this due course of time all i realised was that LIFE is to LIVE not for U alone but "U SHOULD LIVE FOR OTHERS".Doing good and helping out ppl as much as u can is what life is.just help ur surrounding rest will happen on its own.The happiness u gain out of it is of no measure and that will speak for its own truth.This was my realization and i feel like i am more responsible and i have got loads to do in this world.clock ticked 3.00 i felt like sharing my experience and i am done with it now.oh its to sleep..zzzzzzz Thanks bro for making me realise this...LOVE YA.Have a nice day and a pleasant future.


  1. a good one :)) hmmm true one :| am one among the lunatics to have updated a status :((

  2. very nice conversation of ur mind nad heart :-)

  3. Some lunatics update facebook status with a pride that they experienced earthquake, the updates goes like this "wow isnt that cool man, i just experienced earthquake...first time in my life!"
    At the same time some update the facebook status for the sake of some lunatics like "Earthquake struck chennai, caution everybody either run out of your house with family and kids or duck under any furniture in the corner of the room..take care and be safe"......There is a world of difference in the way we update the FB status :))

  4. anoda nice one da machi !!! really gr8 !! and abt ragav anna do like him at the first meetin cos he's very jovial !! superb dudes keep rockin!!da
